Hello Blog lovers,
What a gorgeous day it was today. Blue skies, sun shining, an no wind. a perfect day to introduce Nagging sister to the joys of road riding through the country side (in preparation for L2B). Although its only a very short ride, which me and the old Boy do in a couple of hours, well the distance we do, not this particular route!
Make it an enjoyable ride, a fun day out, with lunch. The hills hopefully will fade in the memory because of what a brilliant day it was to be out in.
So after waking up and ringing Nagging Sister to get her back side at our house for 10:30, something which she didn't quite appreciated, but I did give her an hour for goodness sake, how much time does it take to sling on some clothes and jump in her care and get to mine?
She eventually got to my house at 11:00. We rode out bikes to Chislehurst Station, just under 2 miles away, and got on a train to Sevonoaks. We were chatting to a passenger on the train with her baby son, and she was saying that her husband was very much into biking, but he did all the time trials, and he was absolutely obsessed! even as afar as his diet, not eating anything but chicken and rice! And also trying to save maybe just an ounce or two of weight on the bikes but not having this or that on it! I'm so glad that me and the Old Boy are still in the having fun stage of our cycling activities.
Sevenoaks soon came and we got off our bikes. I can remember the first I did this journey and I carrie my bike up the stairs. It was my old steel framed bike, and it was heavy! This time I had no problem carrying my bike up the stairs! As soon as we were off the train NS asked me to go and say hello to one of her customers. Well, she had already made us late anyway, so the though of chatting to some strangers when I should be riding on to my lunch wasn't in my agenda! But she still went off and said hello!
Me waiting for Nagging Sister!
So after waiting for her (again) we set off on our 'epic' journey! NS, still excited about the whole 'Lets get a train to Seveonoaks' experience, we set off. The first road was down hill! Now, NS knows this area and she was expecting to go up hill straight away, but we went down hill. Just to lull her into a false sense of joy!
The the relentless up hill started, up the hill to Otford, pass Bat and Ball, another place where NS delivers her sandwiches, and up and up! Our first photo opportunity (together) will be at the road that leads to the farm. A much welcome rest spot for me last year, and again this year! I really thought that N.S. would be falling behind by now, well, I wanted her to be falling behind. But I know that she is a lot fitter that she thinks she is! And of course younger, lighter, taller!! So when she over took me I tried not to be too disappointed!
Me and NS at the farm shop.
The Old Boy was keeping us both in check, making sure we stayed together, and I just loved it when he 'buzzed' by her, especially on the hills! NS has a very competitive streak in her and I know that she would be telling her self off for not keeping up with him. And when strangers on their bikes comes passing I can imagine her getting even more frustrated, in fact just the way I do!
Now is more hard slog up the hills, but this time round for me, it was all going pass so quick. and we were soon entering Eynesford! Oh Yes, Lunch time! and a well earned pint for me!.....oh and the Old Boy and Nagging Sister.
I had forgotten to take a picture of our lunch, me and the Old Boy opted for the lighter side, a seared tuna steak with salad, I though leaves would be less heavier! I know that hill is coming next! Nagging sister went for the pasta, being a veggie and none fish lover, but I didn't want to spoil her lunch by telling her about it.
Anyway, we did enjoy these with our lunch!
So after our lunch, we were back on our bikes, and just to warm up a bit before the hill we rode on through to the roman villa that is there. This part the of the countryside is just splendid, and someone else also thought so too as he was out here painting. I took a picture of him painting the splendid view, with his permission of course, and a promise to him that I would give him a mention in today's blog along with his website, so Mr Graham Davies, www.grahamdaviespaintings.co.uk, I have kept my promise.
And here he is.
Here is a couple more pictures of us near the river by the roman villa
Now is the time to tackle that hill! The hill that I negleted to tell NS about, the hill when if first came accross it I had 'filled up' at and was feeling totally bloated, the hill that had me off my bike and walking! Although now days I can manage to get up it, albeit very slowly!
NS has decided to rename this hill from Crockenhill to Foo keen hill, I am just guessing is some ancient chinese 'Confucius' type of guy that she has found to help out cyclists. It seems to go on for ages and NS was behind me, I was rather miffed that she found some strength some where to over take me! But I just kept on plodding away, at my own speed and pace. The Old Boy slowed down and got in behind me where all off a sudden I felt a hand in the small of my back and the OB pushing me up the hill. I was gaining on nagging sister! I was quite pleased about this. And then again, I felt his hand pushing me along, I was giggling now as I was right on the back wheel of NS and I over took her! I will tell her later that I was given a hand!
Another couple of cyclists overtook as as we were nearing the Fruiterers Pub, with a very polite 'Good afternoon' as they rode on passed, with not even the slightest look of discomfort, sweat or anything about them! We wanted to do about 20 miles today so from the end of Crockenhill we were heading up to Chislehurst, just to enjoy a last pint of the day, and then ride on home from there through the woods.
A very pleasant ride today. Wonderful weather, and we were back in time to babysit our grandson for the evening while hi mummy enjoys a well deserved night out with her friends.
My geeky stats, and as usual when I'm cycling I forgot to start it up again after I had lunch! so there is a couple of miles missing, I think I am going to get myself one of the auto stop Garmins!
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