Monday 12 August 2013

Do I not Like Hills!

Hello blog lovers.

This evening it was bike riding time! I have to try and get my cycle legs back, get them strong, get them toned again.  I have been a bit lazy since the marathon, but I am picking up again with my running, and now I am picking up again with my cycling!

This evenings route is going through Shoreham and Eynsford. From there it can be two ways, we will just have to wait and see when we get to Eynsford.  But first of all its that A21 to get up, and then the climb up to Halstead!  It's the route we have done many times now, but my cycling legs have shied away for the moment.  I am going to keep on trying to push as hard as I can.  This route is a hilly route, and I have in mind not to walk on any of the hills! 

But this Old Girl is feeling tired.  Maybe the 5 miler yesterday is still in my legs (even though it took me 1:00:58 to get around the course!) or maybe its the great holiday I had just had (the podgy belly is stretching my cycling pants and top!) who knows, but I was plodding along very slowly, I felt. When we got to the right turn to head towards Halstead there was no stopping for a sneaky rest as there was no traffic to wait for. Straight to the middle and then straight over. No stopping for a breath, I have to get to the top, the round about. That is where I have decided to take a break for a minute or two, and maybe even grab the Old Boys drink!

Very slowly going up towards the roundabout, my legs are beginning to get that 'jelly feeling', but I still have no plans to stop.  At the top, by the bus stop, that's where I will take my feet of the pedals. It seemed a long, slow plod up there, the Old Boy was behind me, encouraging me to push my legs more, to knock up a gear, but I just couldn't do it. The hill felt like it was going on forever!

Finally though, we did get to the top! And I stopped, even though the Old Boy tried to encourage me to keep on going.  I needed a drink!  It was thirsty work! But it really was just a quick pit stop, and then we were on our way again, to Shoreham and beyond.

Shoreham is a very pretty village, with at least 4 pubs that I can recall! And we didn't stop at one of them.  Mind you, my new regime is no alcohol until Friday and the weekend, if there is a function of some sort. Sunday through to Thursdays is alcohol free days.  I have also limited myself to just 3 cups of teas a day, instead of the usual earnfull!  I really need to lose a good few pounds!

We sped through Shorehamm, when I say sped, of course there is a hill to climb out of the village, so we went as fast as I usually do up hills, and the we went to Eynsford. More hills, but I think I did these ones a tad quicker than the ones I have just done.  I keep trying to go as fast as I can. 

We did stop though...once we were at Eynsford though, we did have a stop! We both opted for cola! Yup, a new regime indeed! As soon as we finished that we decided that we are going up 'Foo Kin Hill' as Nagging sister called it once, and it's stayed as that. but the really name is Crockenhill Lane! Even that sounds awful, it has the word 'hill' in it!  But again I was determined not to walk up any of them, even though by now I was feeling very tired.  I wasn't even answering the Old Boy, he was still sounding 'chipper' and like he is out for a morning stroll around the garden! 

There was mention of heading up to Crittals Corner, I really was looking forward to that hill. It's a long hill, on a very busy road, totally uninspiring hill, but then the Old Boy said "So which hill do you want, Knole Rise or Poverest?" I opted for Poverest.  I don't know why, but it is the first hill that we reach, more or less, that leads home.  There is of course Leesons Hill, but that is just way to horrid!

I pushed up this hill, it almost felt like 'a Hill to far' but I managed even that today! So not too bad for a potbellied Old Bird, who does have a fantastic tan though!

Me in Kefelonia! Just to show off really!

Geeky stats from the Old Boys Garmin and he was behind me for 98% of the time!

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